Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Long Time No Post

Sorry we haven't posted for awhile! We've both been super busy at work, I've had lots of social things going on, and John's had a cold. But, after Thanksgiving we will turn over a new leaf and post more often with more pictures! So, I'm posting a picture of my friends and me from a holiday charity cocktail event we attended last Friday.

Hope everyone has safe travels and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Local Favorites

We started this blog in order to inform family and friends we don't see often of the things we are up to here in Chicago. So, we've decided to highlight a few of our favorite places every now and then. A new favorite for us: the Davis Theater, located right around the corner from us on the main drag of Lincoln Square. We had been to the Davis once before, but John being the movie theater connoisseur he is, promised we would never be back because it didn't meet his standards. The place certainly isn't new. It evokes feelings of the old Annex 7 or Fox 4 in Tulsa. Old, kind of moldy-smelling -- definitely not the huge-screen multiplexes we are used to frequenting. But, I finally talked him into returning, and I'm happy to say John is now a Davis devotee. I would like to say it's because he has gotten over his movie theater snobbishness, but I think it has more to do with the powdered popcorn toppings they offer. You can get nacho cheese, white cheddar, or caramel. We got white cheddar, and it was delish! What's even better is that the concessions don't cost an absolute fortune. They don't take credit cards, but like I said, they haven't quite made it to the 21st century.
So, I'm happy to say that the Davis is now on our list of haunts.

Friday, November 9, 2007

How to Tell If You're an Okie

Attorney outside Megan's office: Gee, I really like your bright orange couch.

Megan: Do what?

Attorney: Oh my God! You're not from Oklahoma, are you?

Megan: Yeah, actually I am. How can you tell?

Attorney: Because nowhere else on the planet do they respond to questions with "Do what?"

More Pics of the New and Improved Condo!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


As many of you know, John and I recently moved in to a new condo in a great new neighborhood. The new place is a bit of a downsize for us, and we struggled with fitting in all of our junk and still making it look nice. Enter the fabulous Cindy Wilcox, John's mom's friend and a great decorator in Tulsa. She and Stephanie came up on Tuesday and whipped our place into shape in less than 24 hours! What a difference a professional's expertise makes! We are very grateful to Cindy and Stephanie for making our condo feel more like a home. We're now ready for visitors!! For those of you unable to take the trek to Chicago for a visit, we've posted some pics of the newly improved place.