So, yesterday was Earth Day, and I got to thinking of what John and I do for the environment. I realized we really don't do enough, and I have resolved to make our house a little environmentally-friendly. Here are the things we do actually do:
1. Use compact fluorescent bulbs wherever possible.
2. Take public transportation to and from work and on all errands where it's feasible.
3. We drive a Hybrid car.
4. We take our own reusable bags to the grocery store and Target.
5. We barely use any heat in the winter (although you wouldn't be able to tell by our gas bill).
I know we could definitely do more, like recycle. The City of Chicago has not come up with a city-wide recycling program, so recycling here can be quite inconvenient. Taking your recyclables and driving to the recycling center is a bit nonsensical in my opinion, so hopefully the City will be up to speed soon.