Saturday, February 7, 2009

Celeb Sighting (Updated with brighter pics)

Last night I met my girlfriends, Sarah and Erica, at the Crimson Lounge for a charity event benefiting breast cancer research. Normally I'm a total bum on Friday nights and go straight home and pass out on the couch at 8:30 from my exhausting week. But the highlight of this event was that celebrity DJ Samantha Ronson (better known as Lindsay Lohan's girlfriend) was spinning at the event, so I gladly passed up my normal Friday night activities for the chance to see someone famous (the only celebrity I've ever seen was Cate Blanchett in a diner in Rome). Anyway, it ended up being really fun, and it was for a good cause. I'm nursing a bit of a hangover today, and I didn't catch any glimpses of Lindsay, but it was fun to hang out with the girls.

Erica, Sarah and me

The first of many pictures of Samantha

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You're a nerd. Samantha Ronson?? Celebrity?

It's still not as good as the time Color Me Badd came to Lawrence, and I told them they were fat has-beens... after the lead singer said some weird Asian comment. Weren't you there for that?