We have long considered ourselves "healthy" people -- we never eat fast food, fried foods, drink full-calorie soda, etc. However, we've made several additional improvements to our diets, including focusing on organic produce, grass fed meats, etc., since watching Food, Inc. earlier this year. Additionally, John has become a devotee of the Primal Blueprint lifestyle (which I lovingly refer to as the "Primal Fear" diet), and he has convinced me to jump on the bandwagon as well. Living well comes at a cost, as we are learning, because all of these changes, while for the better, have resulted in higher grocery bills. Sadly, the mainstream grocery stores, like Dominicks and Jewel, don't have a good selection of organic produce and quality meats. We've been paying an arm and a leg at Whole Foods for a fraction of the groceries we used to buy. So this afternoon, as I was whining about our Sunday trip to the grocery store, we decided that we would head to Costco and see what they had. We were blown away by the organic fruit and vegetable selection, and it was all very well priced, despite the fact that it's all in bulk. We have re-kindled are love of Costco! Hopefully we will see a difference in our bank account as a result.
I'm also trying to fit in more exercise now that the weather is improving. I've been on a doctor-imposed exercise sabbatical, so I'm having to ease into things, but John and I took a great power walk yesterday, and we are both planning on hitting the gym this week. We will keep you posted on how all these continuing attempts at living well are going!