Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One Week to Go!

Well, theoretically. I am due exactly one week from today - on December 7th. I have decided that I am no longer cut out for pregnancy and that this baby needs to come out asap. In fact, I even called the doctor today to make sure that he wasn't just going to fall out, because that's what it feels like. The nurse reassured me that he would definitely not fall out, or at least not without a bit of a warning, but she did not offer to induce me so that I could finally be done.

I'm still at work and was planning on staying until I give birth (hopefully not at the office - my assistant would be really grossed out by that). However, I decided that next Friday, December 9th will be my last day. They will induce me by the 14th if I don't have him before, so there's really no need to keep going to work after next Friday. It will be nice to not have to put on normal clothes and trek downtown, but it would be nicer if this baby would just hurry up and be born!

Below is a pic from this week - week 39. It's not the best pic, but then again, I'm not feeling my best. Everyone, please cross your fingers that this little guy comes soon!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Zoo Lights!

We braved the crowds and headed to Zoo Lights tonight - the annual holiday light festival at the Lincoln Park Zoo. We have been meaning to go for years but have just never made it. However, we learned an important lesson tonight: Zoo Lights on opening night is a bad idea. There were thousands of people everywhere! We could tell the animals were not too excited about having all the hordes of people around - most were hiding, trying to get some sleep. When we go next year with our little guy in tow, we will definitely not be going opening weekend!

I'm glad none of the carnivorous beasts mistook me for a walrus or a beached whale. The resemblance is uncanny.

Mom, Nannie, and me

The whole zoo was covered in Christmas lights!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

38 Weeks

I'm in the home stretch, and we are so anxious for this little guy to get here! I'm due in less than 2 weeks, but who knows when he will arrive! In the meantime, I'm squeezing myself into my maternity pants (it's pretty sad when stretch pants are too small), and wearing flip flops and UGGs to Court since my dress shoes no longer fit. Surely I won't get any bigger in the next couple of weeks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We just finished up a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with my family. They were so nice to make the drive up here since I can't travel anywhere. We spent the day cooking (more like my mom spent the day cooking - I wasn't as helpful as I had hoped/intended). We tried a couple of new recipes this year - a new turkey recipe and some amazing mashed potatoes by the Pioneer Woman - and both were a hit! We have lots of fun plans for the rest of the weekend while everyone is still in town - Zoo Lights at LP Zoo, Christmas shopping, and some dinners out (hopefully I will have room).

We have lots to be thankful for this year, and are really looking forward to the next couple of weeks, when our lives will be forever changed -- for the better! Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Simon is just happy to have some extra laps.


The turkey. It was stuffed under the skin with lemons, oranges, and sage. Definitely a keeper!

The fam before dinner.

Big momma eats first

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Momma

We have taken weekly "belly pics" since around week 13 to chronicle my inflation over the past several months. This week's picture, however, is just shocking to me. I knew I was big, but I didn't know I was THAT big. Below is me this week at 36 weeks.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting Ready...

We only have about four weeks to go! I never thought I would say this, but this pregnancy really has flown! We have his room all ready, put together the stroller and pack and play, and are spending every weekend this month in baby-related classes. All we have left is installing the car seats!

Below are some pics of his room. We were trying to go with a comfortable and simple look - not too traditional, not too modern. We are happy with how it turned out!