Friday, January 23, 2009


Long time, no post - we know. We have lots to catch up on, that's for sure. For one, it's been totally freezing around here. It was lovely this week when we were lucky enough to hit 32 degrees - it felt like a day in the tropics.

Speaking of the tropics, we just returned from a nice weekend in the sunny oasis that is Scottsdale. John played lots of golf with his dad, and I ran a half marathon with my mom and her friend, Luanne. Note to self: you should probably train for half marathons. I was sort of in denial about this race. And although the running itself wasn't bad, the pain I was in after (and still am experiencing, thank you very much) was unbearable. I have a wicked case of shin splints and officially have cankles because of all the swelling in my shins. Lovely. I have to say, it was fun, and I'm planning on doing another half in Seattle in June and here in Chicago in August.

We promise to do better about posting. But really, until relatively recently, we didn't have much to say.
Luanne, Me, and Mom - yay, we finished!

Probably the grossest picture ever taken of me. To my credit, I was suffering.
And in major need of a tan.

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