We have had amazing weather the past couple of days -- it's made it nearly impossible to work (that, and the fact that nearly all of the leadership at the firm has been out for spring break). Tonight we went out with friends Liana and Brian to celebrate the warm weather and to get in as much "Liana time" as possible since she is moving to Florida next weekend. For those of you who don't know, Liana was my first "Chicago friend." We met at this really awful job we had with this crazy sole practitioner. Both of us were brand new to Chicago, so we instantly became friends. Liana just got a fabulous job at a top-notch family law firm in the Miami area. While I'm so happy for her for this opportunity, I'm really sad for such a great friend to leave Chicago! We already have plans to visit Boca this summer. We waxed nostalgic tonight and headed to Las Mananitas in Boystown -- a classic "Megan and Liana" spot. We then headed to Trader Todd's in Lakeview, where we proceeded to sing a really embarrassing rendition of "Gloria" by Laura Branigan -- aided by muchas margaritas, of course!
I'm really hoping that we can have a formal going away party for Liana next week. She has been an amazing friend these past four and a half years, and I'm really going to miss her (along with her boyfriend, Brian). We celebrated her new job pretty hard tonight, though, so I'm not anticipating feeling very awesome tomorrow. But it's totally worth it!

The original Trader Todd's. Owned by Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds.

Whoooo! Shots! (Not really.)

John and me after muchas margaritas!

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