Sunday, June 17, 2012

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Tilton!

John and I just got back from a fun weekend in Kansas City celebrating the marriage of our sweet friend Sara (formerly Shepherd) to Nic Tilton. I was honored to be a bridesmaid in the fabulous affair, and it was such a blast to reunite with all my college friends.  It seems like we all only get together for weddings, and those are becoming fewer and farther between.

The weekend was also our first time away from Henry. It was really hard leaving him, and I thought about him the whole time we were gone, but I have to say it was nice to have a night of uninterrupted sleep! It was wonderful to pick him up from my mom's yesterday afternoon and give him a big ol' squeeze! Although, I'm pretty sure he didn't miss us since he spent the weekend being spoiled by his grandmothers.

Below are some pics from the wedding!

The lovely couple!

Me, Kimberly, and Leah!

Christina made it in from Ohio!

Kimberly and me

Us before dinner

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 Month Letter

Dear Henry,

Yesterday you officially turned six months old.  It seems like just the other day that I was writing your five month letter -- how on earth did the last month pass so quickly?  Oh wait, I think it just might have had something to do with us packing up our lives and moving 700 miles (696 to be exact) to Tulsa just three short weeks ago.  To say the move has been disruptive to your schedule is a huge understatement.  However, you seem so happy to have all the love and attention from our family here in Tulsa.  We made this move primarily for you, and you are showing us that it was truly the right thing to do.

I know I've been saying this at every age since you turned three months, but this is really my favorite stage of your life so far (the first three months were just no fun for either of us, and you might as well admit it).  You eat pureed food now, we've been swimming with you, you "fake" laugh and cough, and most recently, you sit up on your own. All these milestones in just a few short weeks! 

I feel like it was just the other day that you were born, but you've been here for half a year already. Not a day goes by that I am not incredibly grateful for you - you are truly a gift, and I still want to pinch myself to make sure you aren't just a dream.  So tonight, when I put you to bed, I squeezed you a little bit harder. Because I love you so much, and because I could.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Henry's First Hoedown

When we announced we were moving back to Tulsa, all our Chicago friends would tease us about all the horses, teepees, and tumbleweeds that we would most likely refamiliarize ourselves with once we moved back. While I assured them that Tulsa was in fact a bustling metropolis, complete with running water and mandatory education, I'm not sure they actually bought it.  And I also vehemently assured them that Henry would not be riding any horses, anytime soon.  That is, until this weekend. 

My cousin threw her precious daughter a Toy Story themed 2nd birthday party this weekend, complete with pony rides.  We went to the party with the full intention of Henry watching the horses from the safety of the Bjorn, but I somehow got suckered into letting him ride a psychedelic pony named Dally. He seemed to get a real kick out of it, or at least was very interested in eating the saddle (ew).  Below are some pics from the adorable party.  Yippee-ki-ay!

At the start of the party. Safely tucked away in the bjorn, sun protective hat on, ready to have an equine-free afternoon.

Dally the psychedelic pony. she also had pink glitter on her tush. Wonder what PETA would think?

Henry and John enjoying the adventure.

The precious birthday girl enjoying her cake.

Nannie and Henry (and Henry's hat).