Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Weekend and other Happenings

We've been really busy since we arrived nearly two weeks ago. John started working (he's doing the same job but officing with his uncle), and I started my job yesterday. I got in lots of Henry time before starting the new job, so I really missed my little guy when I went to work yesterday morning.

We had a great Memorial Day weekend, which consisted of lots of family time and spending a small fortune on appliances for our new house and a new mattress (our big treat to ourselves for all the sleep that we don't get thanks to Henry).  Henry tried out his baby pool for the first time over the weekend. I'm not sure he thought anything more than it was just a bigger bath tub, and he seemed more interested in gnawing on the rubber ducky than splashing around, but we will give it another try this weekend. 

We also continue to be very entertained by watching Henry eat baby food.  He's such a big eater!

Another big happening this week is the closing on our new house tomorrow. We unfortunately don't get to move in until June 29th (because I'm a sucker and agreed to rent back to the sellers for a few weeks until their new construction is finished), but we can't wait to get into our first "real" house with a yard and a garage, and no shared walls with neighbors (I could go on and on).

Below are some pics from the weekend!
Henry pontificating from his bouncy seat (note the patriotic shorts in honor of Memorial Day).

New favorite activity: sitting in high chair.

H and me before the big pool adventure

John and Henry in the pool

Splish splash!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Made It!

After two days of driving, we made it to Tulsa last Friday. Note to self: long drives with five month olds are not cool. Henry did the best that could have been expected of a baby, though - he's such a sweet little guy!

Since we are born-again Tulsans (we are in Bible country, after all), we've been spending the last few days not only getting settled in our temporary digs at John's parents' house, but also making our way around town to visit our old favorites and some new places.  Oh, and we finally got to see our new house (you know, the one we bought without seeing it in person), and just loved it! We can't wait to move in in late June.

Henry has handled the big changes in his life like a champ! He was a little cranky the first couple of days as he got adjusted, but now he's back to being my little happy guy. In addition to all the other changes, we've also just introduced him to baby food. He loves all the vegetables, but he's not so sure about the bananas we tried tonight. Apparently they were very sour because his whole body would shudder - it was cute but also a little sad.  No more bananas!

We are so excited to be here, but definitely miss our Chicago friends so much!

Yum! Sweet potatoes! (I die over that little pucker.)

I still don't like cereal, but I'm so cute!

He is getting so big - sitting in the high chair all by himself.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Mother's Day

John and Henry took me out to Sola for brunch for my first Mother's Day. Henry slept through most of brunch but woke up just in time for a quick pic.  We had a relaxing day - Henry and I took a long nap to make up for the fact that he woke up at 6am and refused to go back to sleep. My mom is also in town to help with the move, so it's great to get to spend Mother's Day with her as well. 

Before I was a mom, and mainly when I was younger, I always wondered why there was a Mother's Day and a Father's Day but no "kids' day." My mom would always tell me that it's because every day is kids' day.  Now that I'm a mom, I realize that it's the absolute truth! Can't wait for many more Mother's Days to come!

Henry and me after brunch at Sola


As we wind down our last week in town, we've been scrambling to see everyone one last time before we leave.  We know these goodbyes aren't forever - we will definitely be back for lots of visits - but saying goodbye to our friends, mentors, family, and support systems has certainly not been easy.

Last week some great work friends got together with me at The Roof at The Wit Hotel for an early farewell celebration. And yesterday we had a marathon day of goodbyes - brunch with Scott and Steph at Jane's, an afternoon of hanging out with Jim and Jeff Knight, and drinks with Sarah and Beth at Webster Wine Bar.

Thanks everybody for everything - you all can't possibly know how much you mean to us!
My "team" at work - gonna really miss these two!

One of my fave work friends and mentors, Sharon.

John, Aunt Steph, and Henry at Jane's

Probably the worst picture ever taken. The waitress who took the pic was literally five inches from my face (clearly). Oh well, it gave us a good laugh.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gratuitous Picture of Henry

The first of many.  Here he is in his "official" five month photo.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Michigan Family Weekend

Last weekend the Beck/Walthall/Kennedy clan descended upon South Haven, Michigan for a little mini-vacation before Lisa has her baby later this summer.  We had the most gorgeous house right on the beach - it looked and felt just like we were on the ocean! The weather cooperated with us, and it was sunny and warm all weekend long.  The only damper on the weekend was poor little Henry coming down with hand, foot, and mouth disease.

In addition to all the fun family togetherness, Lisa also made her formal announcement that she is having a BOY! We, of course, are thrilled - I can't wait for Henry to have a cousin to play with! The two of them will be so close in age that they will most likely be lifelong friends and playmates, or so I'm hoping.  Congrats Lisa and Niel on the exciting news! 

Mimi gave Henry a silver rattle for his 5 month birthday. It went straight in his mouth (along with everything else these days).

One of John's artistic photos of the view from our house.

The crew, including sleeping Henry.

Lisa did her big reveal by cutting into a blue cake!

Aunt Stephie, Henry, and Henry's belly.

New Name, Fresh Start

Obviously "We Live in Chicago" is not going to be relevant as of next Thursday, so we've changed the name of the blog to "Take Us Back to Tulsa" after the song "Take Me Back to Tulsa" by Bob Wills. Although I'm pretty sure that my only regular readers are my mom and my friend, Beth, I figured we better keep up with the blog after the move.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 Months Old!

Dear Henry,
You turned five months old on Cinco de Mayo.  I should have had a margarita (or two or three) to celebrate, but I was just too tired.  We spent the weekend in Michigan (more on that in a later post) with Mimi, Papa, and your aunts and uncles as a last family hurrah before Auntie Lisa has her baby in August.  You were such a trooper during the entire trip - smiling and laughing and giving lots of cuddles to your fun family.

Speaking of family, we move to Tulsa a week from tomorrow.  We made this big life decision so that we could all (but especially you) be close to family.  If you don't know how much you are loved now, just wait until we move -- you will get more squeezes from your grandparents and extended family than you could ever imagine.  Your dad and I are so excited to start this new chapter with you.  We can't wait to do our favorite things with you (go to the zoo, the fair, get cookies at Queenie's), and we are so excited that we will have more time to spend together as a family.  All this change will definitely rock your little boat, and we are especially sad to be taking you out of your wonderful day care, but we know you are just going to love living in Tulsa.

Over the past month, you've started doing so many new and cool things.  You have really discovered your voice - your teachers say you are the loudest baby in day care, despite being the smallest.  You've also really developed your motor skills, always reaching for things and putting them straight in your mouth (hence the bout of hand, foot, and mouth disease you are currently getting over).  You are rolling all around, and you are trying so hard to sit up by yourself.  You are such a strong-willed little guy, so I know you will be sitting on your own in no time!

Of all the things you do, my favorite is your sweet snuggles.  I know it's a bad habit, but I put you to bed each night after spending some time snuggling in my lap until you fall asleep.  I will be so sad when you are too big (and too cool) to cuddle at night, so I have to get those squeezes in while I can. 

Concentrating very hard on your toy

A very serious laugh session

Our first attempt at rice cereal. You're getting pretty good at it!

Snuggles before bed