We rounded out an absolutely gorgeous week with a fun and festive St. Pat's weekend. The weather here's been absolutely gorgeous, with temps in the 80s on Friday. I took off work a bit early and picked up Henry for some fun afternoon play time outside. I have to admit that I was a bit wistful as we drove down Brookside, past all the full patios of people enjoying a sunny and warm happy hour. But the free afternoon with my little guy more than made up for my mojito craving.
We all rallied on Saturday morning and went to the St. Patrick's Day 5K, which took place on Peoria. Henry enjoyed the people watching, and the weather was great for a race. Like many things about my body and my life, running just hasn't been the same since having Henry. The pre-Henry me could go out and lose myself in a run. But this new me runs like a Clydesdale, and it ain't pretty. Needless to say, my finish time was stupid, but at least the race was a reasonably entertaining way to start our Saturday.
We rounded out the weekend by getting Henry a semi-ugly playhouse for the backyard. Another plastic toy to add to his repertoire (see below post). But it makes him happy and keeps him (if even momentarily) distracted from the destruction he could be causing in the house. For that, I can live with the eyesore in the backyard.
Just walking around, waiting on Mom to eventually cross the finish line at the race |
Wearing green for his school SPD festivities |
H and me, pre-race. His enthusiasm was just too much. |
Just chillin' in his playhouse, reflecting on its plastic awesomeness |
Favorite activity: opening and closing the door. Incessantly. |
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